
CS Indy: Smørbrød to offer Nordic cuisine

CS Indy: Smørbrød to offer Nordic cuisine

Smørbrød to offer Nordic cuisine in the Lincoln Center

something like swallowing while saying the word “purple,” so Gust and staff will pronounce it “schmurr-broad,” which is close. And it’s set to open in early June, likely the 8th or 9th.

The name-granting dish is a Danish open-faced sandwich made on rugbrød, a dense rye bread studded with seeds, here baked fresh by Lincoln Center neighbors Nightingale Bread. It’s traditionally smeared with butter and finished with a range of savory toppings. Nordic culinary aficionados will be sad to learn he won’t be offering more aggressive customary offerings like lutefisk, a dish of dried whitefish partially prepared by soaking it in lye. Rather, Gust and Co. will focus on toppings more accessible to the American palate, so smoked salmon, lox, shrimp, roast beef and sausage are absolutely on the menu.

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Content by Griffin Swartzel of the Colorado Springs Independent

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